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Division of School Facilities - Custodian Engineers.Excel video training

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Microsoft office 2010 excel level 1 exercise handout free. Excel video training


When you sign into the DSF network via your DOE network ID, you obtain automatic access to all authorized systems and applications without having to log in with your user ID and password again. From the SSO page, just click on the link to the system or application and you are in. The SchoolStat system is a multi-modular application supporting the administration and conduct of facility inspections and the processing and presentation of inspection data.

The Inspection Administration Module permits effective and efficient scheduling of 10 full-time inspectors, ensuring assignments are of uniform size, travel time between sites is minimized and inspectors are rotated across the city. The tablet-based Data Collection Module enables the mobile collection of multiple data streams questionnaire responses, free text entry, digital imagery and their integration into seamless inspection records.

These records are subsequently transferred into a central database, reviewed for administrative completeness and stored. The Scoring Module takes inspection data collected through questionnaire responses and synthesizes them into numerical scores by a series of algorithms. These scores allow comparison of different facilities across time and space, and analysis of causal factors. Scores are further rolled up across facilities to enable analysis of managerial effectiveness, resource allocation etc.

Finally, the SchoolStat website provides users with the ability to review both scores and underlying inspection observations including text comments and digital photographs using hyper-linked drill downs. Moreover, data may be reviewed with multivariate queries, downloaded for further analysis or e-mailed directly from the web site.

SchoolStat is a program created to conduct periodic, non-technical, visual inspections of all school facilities. Other programs in the New York City Department of Education exist to provide detailed technical information regarding school facilities, however there was an unmet need for non-technical information, i.

Moreover, in the past the only operational information available regarding the state of our facilities was either anecdotal or subjective or inferential and retrospective. SchoolStat, however, provides data not anecdotes , uniformly, on all sites, times each year, with the results of each inspection available for review and action in near-real time.

Information technology is absolutely essential to the SchoolStat program - managing an inspection program of this scope and scale would be difficult and effective analysis of inspection results impossible, without it. While SchoolStat's initial deployment is relatively recent, its impact has been both immediate and far-reaching.

The potential of this program to help drive improvement in the condition of our facilities is enormous and being realized daily, as conditions in facilities across the city may now be and are readily compared. Managers have vastly increased visibility of the conditions of the facilities in their charge and, as has been noted previously, the data available to them is updated continuously and made available in near-real time.

The program has fostered increased accountability as senior managers review their subordinates' scores and, moreover, a healthy sense of competition and pride among managers as their facilities' scores are visible to their peers.

In addition to increasing overall managerial effectiveness, inspection data can be used for more detailed analysis.

For example, the incidence of specific deficiencies may be analyzed both within sites, between sites, across time or in combination. Such analyses can guide technical decisions concerning maintenance and custodial methods and materials. Whereas in the past such analyses depended on discrete studies, SchoolStat now provides an on-going source of objective data. The possibilities are immense and will only grow as a data time series is built.

The primary aim of the SchoolStat project is to provide current, objective data regarding the condition of our school facilities.

This data is not intended to help us either spend less or avoid spending more at the macro level, but to raise our schools' facility conditions to the highest possible level given available resources. Thus, the total economic benefit of this project doesn't derive from cost savings or cost avoidance, but from assistance in spending what we have as wisely as possible, through improving managerial oversight and guiding resource allocation.

The ultimate beneficiaries of this project, of course, are the schoolchildren attending New York City's public schools: they, and the Department of Education's school-based professionals, benefit from the improved facility conditions resulting from use of SchoolStat-collected data.

The most direct beneficiaries of the project, however, are the managers within the Division of School Facilities who use the SchoolStat system to improve the operations and maintenance of the facilities under their stewardship. They benefit both from the SchoolStat project's data and from the use of the application presenting that data. Finally, the most direct beneficiaries of the application alone are the administrators and inspectors of the SchoolStat unit, whose tasks would be tremendously more onerous if the nominated application were not available to assist them.

Please contact Debra Williams at either or DWilliams71 schools. This application is used to enter and review Custodians time and leave information Download the User Guide. The placards will become effective on Tuesday November 1, are specific to the building's authorized on-street parking spaces marked by signs that read No Parking School Days 7AM to 4 PM Department of Education and cannot be used for travel between schools and other DOE facilities. The placards will be delivered to the Custodial Engineers, who in turn will deliver them to the principal s.

The principal s will sign a receipt signaling their acceptance of the placards. Once the new placards are effective, the expired placards should be collected and returned by the Custodial Engineer to DSF's Deputy Director of Facilities. At the end of the school day, the placard will be returned to the office for the next day's use.

With regard to off-street parking spaces i. The first-come, first-served approach will apply to the off-street spaces as well. If a principal does not require an on-street or offstreet placard, it must become part of the general pool and cannot be assigned to another individual.

Please remember that parking staff vehicles in off-street locations cannot interfere with the maintenance and operation of the schools, including the need to provide physical fitness activities and recreation to our students. For schools in campus settings, proportional allocations based on enrollment have been calculated. However, the placards can be combined into one pool if all of the schools in the campus agree.

The Office of Space Planning is dedicated to providing all students with the adequate and appropriate instructional space required to achieve their fullest academic potential. We are committed to a process of space assessment and planning that is transparent, equitable, and unbiased.

The Office of Space Planning is the Chancellor's designee in the allocation of space in all educational and administrative facilities. The Dust Mop Application will help facilitate the dust mop and mat program. The application will help to improve payment processing, place all data in one location, and allow the Office of Materials Management to oversee the program.

This application enables DDF, DF to record and update the inventory of carbon monoxide detectors in school buildings. This application enables Custodian Engineers, Directors and Deputy Directors of Facilities to record and update the status of a school's ventilation system.

This application enables DSF employees to request training on various software applications. Employees can request training for themselves or for a group of employees.

Additionally, employees who register for training will get a system-generated meeting request with the date, time, and location of the training. To submit a request for training click on the Training Registration Application link. Some of the civil service titles include electricians, plumbers, steamfitters, and carpenters.

Most of the employees are hired from civil service lists. If a vacancy occurs within the skilled trade work force, the Division of School Facilities is required to hire from an active civil service list. If no civil service list exists, the position can be hired provisionally, of which a posting for the job will be issued. The position can be posted to this web site.

So please check back frequently to review current job openings. The Division of School Facilities has developed a Standing Water Management Plan to mitigate risks associated with diseases that are caused by mosquitoes. The Plan outlines the best practices and procedures to be followed by Custodian Engineers and Building Managers, to avoid ponding before a rain event and abate standing water hours after a rain event, or other operational activities that can lead to standing water.

Click here for NYC Rules governing standing water. The New York City Department of Education monitors and addresses environmental concerns in or adjacent to NYC school buildings involving groundwater, ambient air, gas, soil, soil gas, and dust which may affect students and staff occupying NYC school buildings.

Click the link to view the report:. Asbestos Hazardous Emergency Response Act requires public and private non-profit primary and secondary schools to inspect their buildings for asbestos-containing building materials. In recent years, EPA has learned that caulk containing polychlorinated biphenyls PCBs was used in many buildings, including schools built between and Although this is an important issue, the potential presence of PCBs in school buildings of this age can be addressed in part by implementing Best Management Practices BMPs.

In addition, this program manual outlines the interim preventive measures that the NYC Department of Education DOE is taking to reduce the potential of lead in drinking water exposure to its building's occupants. Furthermore, this manual provides procedures under which the test results will be reported and made available to students, parents, teachers, school principals and custodian engineers.

Initially, the Elementary School Sampling Protocol will be used to sample drinking water outlets at elementary schools that were not investigated as of May 31, Do not drink from this faucet signage pdf. The New York City Department of Education DOE is committed to providing a safe and healthy work environment for its employees, contractors and subcontractors, as well to the students, teachers, school staff and to all those who utilizes their school buildings. These new procedures are to be followed by any individual who is going to perform any work in a NYC school building that will impact in any way any of the existing building materials.

Click on the link to view the Standard Operating Procedures for Dust control. The purpose of the panel was to develop policies for medical and environmental evaluation and intervention to address Stachybotrys atra now known as Stachybotrys chartarum SC contamination.

The original guidelines were developed because of mold growth problems in several New York City buildings in the early 's. This document revises and expands the original guidelines to include all fungi mold.

It is based both on a review of the literature regarding fungi and on comments obtained by a review panel consisting of experts in the fields of microbiology and health sciences. Mold Remediation in Schools and Commercial Buildings Concern about indoor exposure to mold has been increasing as the public becomes aware that exposure to mold can cause a variety of health effects and symptoms, including allergic reactions.

Bed bugs can be found in many public places. Although people can unknowingly carry bed bugs with them into a school building, schools are not a friendly environment for bed bugs to live and reproduce.

The Department of Education is committed to identifying pests, providing thorough inspections of schools, and having licensed pest control specialists treat rooms as appropriate. The Bed Bug Information Kit contains instructions about submitting a suspected bed bug for identification and information about inspections and treatment provided by the DOE Pest Management Unit. If a specimen found in a school is confirmed by the Pest Management Unit to be a bed bug, principals may notify parents using the letter in the Kit, which is also available in Bengali , Chinese , French , Haitian-Creole , Korean , Russian and Spanish.

If the DOE Pest Management Unit finds that a school is infested bed bugs living and reproducing in an area , parents of all the students in the building will be notified and DOE will provide the appropriate treatment in the affected school areas. By federal law, it will be illegal to export elemental mercury from the United States after the end of The Division of School Facilities partners with schools to ensure all New York City public schools are safe and welcoming environments for student learning.

This partnership involves two work streams: general maintenance and improvement projects. These functions are funded out of the Division of School Facilities' general operating budget; additional funding is not required from the school. Improvement projects are initiatives not necessary for the general maintenance of the building but rather involve optional work which enhances or improves the facility.

These projects are determined by the principal and funded solely from the school's discretionary budget. Given the challenging and time-consuming nature of managing a construction project which includes developing a scope of work and cost estimate as well as ensuring health, safety, labor law and building code regulations are being followed the Division of School Facilities is prepared to help schools initiate and manage these projects for them. DSF calls this program the Market Maker program.

Management: Division of School Facilities Contract Managers are experienced professionals available to help schools initiate and manage school improvement projects. After an initial consultation, they will:.

If your project exceeds that amount, please feel free to contact Mark David mdavid schools.



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